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Essential Success Strategies for Nigerians Studying Abroad

Essential Success Strategies for Nigerians Studying Abroad

Choosing to study in a foreign country from Nigeria is a wonderful decision. This will expose you to a range of global schools that can help you have a successful career. But travelling abroad on the other hand can be challenging. These are Success Strategies for Nigerians Studying Abroad.

One of the first things you need to worry about is adapting to a new culture.  As no two countries have the exact same culture, wherever you choose to study abroad, you will notice cultural differences. Adapting to this new culture will contribute to if you’ll enjoy your stay while you study.

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Adjusting to New Academic Systems and Cultures Abroad

Adjusting to a new culture is not something you will just happen overnight. It will take some time. You might even feel some homesickness. That is normal. However, there are tips for a student to take that can  help him or her ease into a new culture without delay.

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Cultural Adjustments Needed

To successfully navigate through your school days effectively. You can follow these tips: 

  1. Research Your Destination

You can’t just pick your bags and be excited to travel abroad. While I understand why you are overly excited, effective research would do you a ton of good. The internet is your friend when it comes to this. Or better still, if they are available,  speak to people who have visited the country before. You can also read travel guides and seek help from professional travel agents. 

It is great to learn the cultural etiquette and values of your host country. Learn what is considered polite and rude. Learning some of the country’s history and politics, national days and songs can help you out.

Does the idea of studying abroad spark your interest? If you're ready to turn your dreams into reality, contact IBS Consulting today to explore your international education opportunities.

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  1. Hang Out With Other International Students

No matter which University you chose to study in, you would not be the first, you will be surrounded by international students every day. You should hang out with that group. Since they themselves have been in your shoes before you can learn from them. 

It will help to discuss all aspects of studying abroad. You can share the experience of adjusting to a new culture.

  1. Find Something That Reminds You Of Home 

You are going to spend a lot of time in a foreign country and you will miss home. You might feel frustrated and sometimes feel overwhelmed, it’s okay. Things that remind you of home can be a healthy distraction. You can watch your favourite show or cook your favourite meal or even listen to your country’s music. 

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Effective Study Skills and Time Management  

Managing your study time effectively is important to success. However, with effective strategies, you can improve your study skills and achieve better grades. How do you manage your skills? 

  1. Prioritize Tasks

Prioritizing tasks is one of the time management techniques required for study and your skills to improve. You need an understanding which tasks are urgent or important and tackling them first. To do this, you must clearly understand your goals. 

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  1. Draft a Study Schedule and Use It 

Another good time management skill for  studying is creating a schedule. This involves setting time for studying, breaks and play too. A schedule helps with staying on track with your study objectives. 

  1. Set Deadlines and Milestones

Deadlines are like that little nudge that drags you to your goals. If you don’t set a deadline, you might not achieve it. Milestones are needed for your academic tasks as they help stay on track and motivated. 

These can be seen as short-term goals that accumulate to become long-term goals. By setting targets, you create a sense of purpose and have something to move towards which can increase productivity and focus.

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Navigating Social and Cultural Transitions 

Travelling abroad is a big leap. Studying abroad is a bigger leap. That transition can be overwhelming sometimes 

Building a Support System Through New Friendships

Having a supportive network of family and friends does not mean that you should find friends for the sake of it. The purpose is to focus on important relationships that can strengthen you. These are some tips for Nigerian students studying abroad to build a support system. 

Does studying abroad sound like an exciting and promising opportunity? If so, contact IBS Consulting today to fulfill your dreams of an international education.

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  • Volunteering

By making yourself available to help the neighbourhood, you can meet some interesting people. Also volunteering can give you the fulfilment of taking action to further your values and will bring you into contact with others with similar interests and norms. 

  • Join A Sports Group Or Gym

This is not only good for your physical well being, but it also helps with mental health and provides opportunities to start new friendships.

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  • Join A Book Club 

Join an existing book club or invite some people to join who you don’t already know well. By sharing ideas and thoughts you could make wonderful new friends.

  • Meet your neighbours and co-workers

Make an effort to get to know some of the people you see on a regular basis more than just strangers. Say hello and be friendly. 

If you ask the question “What is the best way to improve my language skills” it is by speaking to the locals. You will never fully grasp the rudiment of a language without that. 

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Managing Homesickness and Loneliness

50% to 70% of foreign students suffer from homesickness, according to the statistics. Leaving your family, and friends at home can take its toll, meeting new people and having a new challenge is a big transition and it can take time to adjust. 

So remember to be patient, don’t expect to fit in right away. You are suffering from homesickness if you are: 

  • Feeling teary
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Experiencing change in appetite
  • Feeling nauseous a lot
  • Having concentration problems 
  • Feeling isolated and withdrawn
  • Feeling overwhelmed or anxious

The trick to managing homesickness is to keep yourself busy and try to fit into your surroundings. You can manage homesickness by the following ways 

  • Stay connected with family and old friends
  • Keep yourself busy
  • Make new friends 
  • Explore the new city
  • Be realistic about University life
  • Join a sports or music club and eat healthy
  • If it’s getting worse seek help from a counsellor and friends
  • Decorate your room with things that will make it feel like home or remind you of home.

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Financial Planning and Management

Estimating Costs of Studying Abroad

There is no fixed number for the cost of studying abroad due to the constant fluctuations in prices and exchange rate.

But we can estimate an average cost using historical data from popular countries that are destinations of international students. 

Below is a table showing average costs of studying in some important countries

Country  Average Annual costs in $
UK  28,331
USA  33,000
Australia  21,846
Canada 26,000
New Zealand  13,912

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Funding and Scholarship Options To Pursue 

Most schools have scholarships developed for international students. What types of scholarships are available for international students?

  1. Partially funded scholarships

Unlike a full scholarship, these will cover only some of a student’s expenses. Some may offer funding for only the first two years of study.

  1. Fully funded scholarships

These types of scholarships cover all expenses, including full tuition fees, accommodation and all other costs during the course of study. 

  1. Grants

These are awarded to university students so they can do research (in-depth studies) and learn more about specific topics in their courses. These are offered globally and can be awarded by schools, government bodies or private corporations.

  1. Work-study programmes

Universities offer programmes that students can be working and studying simultaneously. 

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In this kind of plan, working hours are restricted by they still add up to a significant amount.

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Pre-Departure and Post-Arrival Preparations

Studying abroad is different from visiting, you will need to prepare appropriately pre-debature and after you arrive.

Pre-Departure Preparations

Before you travel, make sure you

  • Have every necessary documents available 
  • Booked a flight 
  • Booked an hotel or got a means of housing 
  • Contact the school of your coming
  • Double check on every necessary thing 

Post Arrival Preparations 

When you arrive in your host country, make sure you:

  • Contact the institution of your arrival
  • Check with the appropriate authorities and posts 
  • Secure accommodation 
  • Try to fix a means of transportation

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Required Documents and Vaccinations

Vaccinations required by international students can be classified into 

  • Routine
  • Recommended
  • And Required 

Routine vaccinations are those that are normally administered, usually during childhood, in the United States. If you haven’t taken These shots, it will be better to do so. They include: 

  • hepatitis B
  • hepatitis A
  • pertussis
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b
  • rotavirus
  • diphtheria
  • tetanus
  • measles
  • varicella
  • poliomyelitis
  • pneumococcus
  • meningococcus
  • mumps
  • rubella
  • And human papillomavirus

Recommended vaccination include 

  • Typhoid 
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • And Rabies

Required Vaccinations 

  • Yellow Fever

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Arranging Housing and Transportation

Housing and transportation is very important to your stay. It is better to have arranged these before travelling. If not, try as much as possible to get a means of housing. 

Universities offer this service to their prospective international student for a fee. And you could move around by booking taxi services. 

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Deciding to study abroad is a life-changing decision and requires thorough planning.

We can help you plan if you book us for free consultation. We are experienced in studying abroad and we will be glad to help you fulfil your dreams. 

Studying abroad comes with a series of hard decisions to make, which can feel overwhelming and with us we will make sure you dont make mistakes if you follow our success strategies for Nigerians studying abroad.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much spending money will I need each month?

You will new about $1200 to 1500 every month

Can I work part-time while studying?  

Yes. It’s the advisable thing to do. There are a number of part time jobs you can do while studying. 


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