
IBS Consulting

MIT was my dream, until IBS made it my reality

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MIT was my dream, until IBS made it my reality

Read stories!


Sally Acquaah

Won a Scholarship at North Carolina A&T

Sally Acquah, with a vibrant personality, had our assistance to pursue Masters applications in Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering, and Data Science in the US. Sally received acceptance from George Mason University within 3 weeks and also secured offers from Florida State University and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical(NCAT).

Client Profile
Field: Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering and Data Science
Educational Background: Undergraduate in Telecommunications Engineering at KNUST
Professional Experience: Practical research and work experiences spanning System Support Engineering and Network Management roles.


10 acceptances


$120K in funding


$130K in funding


Full Ride to MIT


Araba Won a $ 100,000 for an MBA!

Very few students can say that they got into THEE George Washington for an MBA. Even fewer can claim that they did so with a 100K in scholarships but Araba sure can! At the time she sought our services, Araba was confused about her options for graduate school and deeply needed guidance on what schools were suited for her profile as well as well as how she could utilize her stories and write them in a way that would compel an Admissions Board. Through a series of questions and prompt requests, we unearthed Araba’s unique story, getting her to reflect on why she wanted to pursue an MBA in the first place. We then leveraged her impressive financial background experiences and sustainability-focused initiatives to present her as the ideal MBA candidate and the result was a $ 100,00 Forte Fellowship. Araba is the Senior Vice President of Investment Banking at the Black Star Group.

Prince Duker

He Won Over $130,000 In Scholarships

We at IBS Consulting are thrilled to have helped Prince Duker achieve his academic dreams and secure over $130,000 in scholarships! Prince, a driven and ambitious student, had always dreamed of pursuing an MBA and a sustainability program but was unsure of how to make his goals a reality. That's where we came in. With our expertise in the scholarship application process, we were able to guide Prince through the entire process, from identifying suitable scholarships to crafting compelling applications that highlighted his achievements and ambitions. Our hard work paid off when Prince was offered a full ride scholarship for an MBA program at San Francisco Bay University, an incredible achievement that we are extremely proud of. But we didn't stop there - we also helped him apply for a sustainability program at Virginia Tech, where he was again awarded a generous scholarship. We are honored to have played a role in Prince's success, and we believe that this is just the beginning of an incredibly bright future for him. We are confident that with his dedication and passion, he will continue to achieve great things and make a positive impact in his field. At IBS Consulting, we are committed to helping students like Prince achieve their academic and professional goals, and we will continue to provide top-notch support and guidance to all our clients. Congratulations to Prince on his incredible achievement, and we look forward to supporting him and other students like him in the future! Such a short response time is indicative of the quality work and culture of going above and beyond to ensure the success of our clients. Today, she highly recommends IBS Consulting to anyone seeking assistance with their job or internship applications.


Acceptance and Scholarship In 10 Days!

Princella’s story is as shocking as it is inspiring. Finishing up a medical degree at the Schenov University in Moscow, Princella sought to pursue a Masters in Public Health outside of Russia. She sought our services and expressed her intentions of finding an MPH program. Having recommended our Comprehensive Graduate School Package, work on her applications begun. We harnessed her truly inspiring stories about her volunteering experiences and wrote a powerful statement of purpose that reflected her genuine concern about health policies. This generated offers from Emory University, University of Birmingham and Nottingham as well Drexel University who wrote back to her in just 10 days offering her a scholarship to attend!She was initially worried about her chances of landing the job, as her previous work experiences consisted mainly of customer service and fast-food roles at Tim Hortons. However, we quickly put mind at ease and helped her leverage her previous experiences in a way that made her an ideal candidate for the position. We crafted a compelling resume and cover letter that highlighted her amazing skills in sales and customer service and showcased her ability to thrive in fast-paced environments. Within just 7 days, she received an invitation to interview at Mercedes Benz! Through a series of questions and prompt requests, we unearthed Araba’s unique story, getting her to reflect on why she wanted to pursue an MBA in the first place. We then leveraged her impressive financial background experiences and sustainability-focused initiatives to present her as the ideal MBA candidate and the result was a $ 100,00 Forte Fellowship. Araba is the Senior Vice President of Investment Banking at the Black Star Group.

Samuel Kuma-Aboagye

This Client Got Into 10 Schools In The UK!

Samuel is a graduate of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology where he pursued a degree in Electrical Engineering. We worked with him to prepare a Grad School CV and statements of purpose that landed him admission offers at competitive programs from 10 universities in the UK including University of Warwick, University of Edinburgh, Strathclyde, Newcastle and more. We leveraged the research experiences he had in Electrical Engineering to craft a persuasive statement of purpose. Ebby is one of our most successful grad school clients and he represents the excellent service we offer to clients. Following his graduation from Strathclyde, he is now a graduate electrical engineer with British Power (BP).


She Won Over $120,000 In Scholarships!

At IBS, we are passionate about helping students achieve their academic goals and reach their full potential. That's why we were thrilled to assist Elsie with her applications to Drexel University, Penn State, and Tufts University, and helping her secure a total of $120,000 in scholarships! When Elsie first came to us, she was overwhelmed by the application process and unsure of how to best showcase her strengths and accomplishments. Another challenge also laid in the fact that she was applying to three separate programs at each institution – Drexel (Marketing), Penn State (International Relations) and Tufts University (law). Paying attention to her strengths in each program, we prepared three separate CVs highlighting the related experiences. We also ensured that we highlighted her experiences and interests in all 3 fields to present her as a competitive candidate. We worked closely with Elsie to identify her strengths and accomplishments, and helped her tailor her applications to each school to maximize her chances of success. We also provided her with valuable insights and feedback throughout the process, helping her refine her applications and put her best foot forward. Thanks to our assistance, Elsie was able to secure scholarships from all three schools, totaling an incredible $120,000! We couldn't be prouder of her accomplishments, and we are honored to have played a small part in helping her achieve her academic dreams.


Daniel Randy

Received 2 offers within a week

Fresh to London, he faced challenges due to limited local experience and only 2 technical skills. Opting for our Ready Package, we crafted a refined Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn makeover for entry-level roles. Emphasizing technical prowess and achievements, we positioned him for success. Additionally, we provided a personalized job prospect list and a Job Search strategy. Within 48 hours, his LinkedIn profile attracted 2 recruiters, increasing visibility by +50%. In under 6 days, 5 recruiters approached, resulting in two 5-figure job offers.

Client Profile
Field: Information Security Management
Educational Background: Masters in Information Security Management
Professional Experience: 3 years as an IT support technician.


Architecture Internship


Netflix & Apple


Mercedez Benz



Tracy Oteng-Kusi

The Recruitment Team Got Back In 24 Hours!

IBS had the pleasure of working with Tracy to help me apply for an Architecture internship at Kimley Horn. As a first-class Civil Engineering student at UC Davis, she had previously tried several times to secure internships but had been unsuccessful despite my impressive academic projects and GPA above 3.5. However, IBS Consulting was able to assist her with her resume and cover letter within just 24 hours, and thanks to our expert advice and guidance, she submitted outstanding documents that highlighted my skills and experience. Within just a day of submitting the application, Tracy received an interview invitation from Kimley Horn! Such a short response time is indicative of the quality work and culture of going above and beyond to ensure the success of our clients. Today, she highly recommends IBS Consulting to anyone seeking assistance with their job or internship applications.


We Helped Her Transition From Fast -Food Joint To Mercedes Benz!

As a current student at the University of Toronto, Claire was looking for an exciting new opportunity to jumpstart her career. With our help, she was able to apply for a sales position at Mercedes Benz, a company she had long admired given her love for the cars they produce. She was initially worried about her chances of landing the job, as her previous work experiences consisted mainly of customer service and fast-food roles at Tim Hortons. However, we quickly put mind at ease and helped her leverage her previous experiences in a way that made her an ideal candidate for the position. We crafted a compelling resume and cover letter that highlighted her amazing skills in sales and customer service and showcased her ability to thrive in fast-paced environments. Within just 7 days, she received an invitation to interview at Mercedes Benz! Through a series of questions and prompt requests, we unearthed Araba’s unique story, getting her to reflect on why she wanted to pursue an MBA in the first place. We then leveraged her impressive financial background experiences and sustainability-focused initiatives to present her as the ideal MBA candidate and the result was a $ 100,00 Forte Fellowship. Araba is the Senior Vice President of Investment Banking at the Black Star Group.


Samuel Interviewed at Netflix and Apple!

At IBS Consulting, we are thrilled to have helped Samuel achieve his career goals and land an internship at Tombras, a leading advertising agency. Samuel, a talented and ambitious young professional, had his sights set on landing an internship at top tech companies like Netflix and Apple. However, he was struggling to get noticed by these highly competitive employers. That's where we came in. With our expertise in crafting resumes and cover letters that stand out from the crowd, we worked closely with Samuel to create a document that highlighted his experiences in a results-oriented manner. We also provided him with interview coaching and guidance to help him showcase his skills and experience during the selection process. Our hard work paid off when Samuel landed an interview at both Netflix and Apple, an incredible achievement that we are extremely proud of. We are honored to have played a role in Samuel's success, and we believe that this is just the beginning of an incredibly bright future for him. We are confident that with his dedication and passion, he will continue to achieve great things and make a positive impact in his field. Such a short response time is indicative of the quality work and culture of going above and beyond to ensure the success of our clients. Today, she highly recommends IBS Consulting to anyone seeking assistance with their job or internship applications.

Olga Grabocka

She Landed a Senior Role Right Out of High School!

Olga is a client we worked with all the way from Albania. Having just completed her high school education with only internship and project work experiences, her major concern was how to sound convincing enough to land her first role. We worked with her to highlight the impact she had made while carrying out her personal digital advertising projects. We also ensured that we highlighted the impacts of her internship experiences in a results-oriented resume. The first company she interviewed at was Accenture, where she landed an interview a few hours after submitting application. Olga is on her way to converting it into a 6-figure paying position. Such a short response time is indicative of the quality work and culture of going above and beyond to ensure the success of our clients. Today, she highly recommends IBS Consulting to anyone seeking assistance with their job or internship applications.


He Got Into MIT!

In March 2023, this client was accepted into MIT’s Technology and Policy program with an acceptance rate of just 3. 4!. Given that KariKari had already been denied an acceptance from another university in the US, he never imagined that he would be accepted into MIT’s competitive program. However, working with him to leverage the incredible leadership experiences he had in Electrical Engineering, we wrote a Statement of Purpose that clearly communicated what he had to offer at MIT as well how the research he had pursued in his undergraduate program was related to his research interests. Attention and great detail were given to producing a tailored CV, Statement of purpose as well as recommendation letter samples that focused on his strengths. His unique experiences focusing on electricity scarcity was utilized in establishing his passion for producing technology policies. Working with students to land their dream jobs and schools is what we do. We are elated that we could help KariKari get into The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of the world’s top 5 most prestigious institutions. The first company she interviewed at was Accenture, where she landed an interview a few hours after submitting application. Olga is on her way to converting it into a 6-figure paying position. Such a short response time is indicative of the quality work and culture of going above and beyond to ensure the success of our clients. Today, she highly recommends IBS Consulting to anyone seeking assistance with their job or internship applications.

Technology and Policy Candidate at MIT


Sally Acquaah

Won a Scholarship at North Carolina A&T

Sally Acquah, with a vibrant personality, had our assistance to pursue Masters applications in Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering, and Data Science in the US. Sally received acceptance from George Mason University within 3 weeks and also secured offers from Florida State University and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical(NCAT).


10 acceptances


$120K in funding


$130K in funding


Full Ride to MIT



Samuel is a graduate of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology where he pursued a degree in Electrical Engineering. We worked with him to prepare a Grad School CV and statements of purpose that landed him admission offers at competitive programs from 10 universities in the UK including University of Warwick, University of Edinburgh, Strathclyde, Newcastle and more. We leveraged the research experiences he had in Electrical Engineering to craft a persuasive statement of purpose. Ebby is one of our most successful grad school clients and he represents the excellent service we offer to clients. Following his graduation from Strathclyde, he is now a graduate electrical engineer with British Power (BP).



Very few students can say that they got into THEE George Washington for an MBA. Even fewer can claim that they did so with a 100K in scholarships but Araba sure can! At the time she sought our services, Araba was confused about her options for graduate school and deeply needed guidance on what schools were suited for her profile as well as well as how she could utilize her stories and write them in a way that would compel an Admissions Board. Through a series of questions and prompt requests, we unearthed Araba’s unique story, getting her to reflect on why she wanted to pursue an MBA in the first place. We then leveraged her impressive financial background experiences and sustainability-focused initiatives to present her as the ideal MBA candidate and the result was a $ 100,00 Forte Fellowship. Araba is the Senior Vice President of Investment Banking at the Black Star Group.



As a current student at the University of Toronto, Claire was looking for an exciting new opportunity to jumpstart her career. With our help, she was able to apply for a sales position at Mercedes Benz, a company she had long admired given her love for the cars they produce. She was initially worried about her chances of landing the job, as her previous work experiences consisted mainly of customer service and fast-food roles at Tim Hortons. However, we quickly put mind at ease and helped her leverage her previous experiences in a way that made her an ideal candidate for the position. We crafted a compelling resume and cover letter that highlighted her amazing skills in sales and customer service and showcased her ability to thrive in fast-paced environments. Within just 7 days, she received an invitation to interview at Mercedes Benz!



Princella’s story is as shocking as it is inspiring. Finishing up a medical degree at the Schenov University in Moscow, Princella sought to pursue a Masters in Public Health outside of Russia. She sought our services and expressed her intentions of finding an MPH program. Having recommended our Comprehensive Graduate School Package, work on her applications begun. We harnessed her truly inspiring stories about her volunteering experiences and wrote a powerful statement of purpose that reflected her genuine concern about health policies. This generated offers from Emory University, University of Birmingham and Nottingham as well Drexel University who wrote back to her in just 10 days offering her a scholarship to attend!



At IBS, we are passionate about helping students achieve their academic goals and reach their full potential. That's why we were thrilled to assist Elsie with her applications to Drexel University, Penn State, and Tufts University, and helping her secure a total of $120,000 in scholarships! When Elsie first came to us, she was overwhelmed by the application process and unsure of how to best showcase her strengths and accomplishments. Another challenge also laid in the fact that she was applying to three separate programs at each institution – Drexel (Marketing), Penn State (International Relations) and Tufts University (law). Paying attention to her strengths in each program, we prepared three separate CVs highlighting the related experiences. We also ensured that we highlighted her experiences and interests in all 3 fields to present her as a competitive candidate. We worked closely with Elsie to identify her strengths and accomplishments, and helped her tailor her applications to each school to maximize her chances of success. We also provided her with valuable insights and feedback throughout the process, helping her refine her applications and put her best foot forward. Thanks to our assistance, Elsie was able to secure scholarships from all three schools, totaling an incredible $120,000! We couldn't be prouder of her accomplishments, and we are honored to have played a small part in helping her achieve her academic dreams.


Daniel Randy

Received 2 offers within a week

Fresh to London, he faced challenges due to limited local experience and only 2 technical skills. Opting for our Ready Package, we crafted a refined Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn makeover for entry-level roles. Emphasizing technical prowess and achievements, we positioned him for success. Additionally, we provided a personalized job prospect list and a Job Search strategy. Within 48 hours, his LinkedIn profile attracted 2 recruiters, increasing visibility by +50%. In under 6 days, 5 recruiters approached, resulting in two 5-figure job offers.


Architecture Internship


Netflix & Apple


Mercedez Benz



Tracy Oteng-Kusi


IBS had the pleasure of working with Tracy to help me apply for an Architecture internship at Kimley Horn. As a first-class Civil Engineering student at UC Davis, she had previously tried several times to secure internships but had been unsuccessful despite my impressive academic projects and GPA above 3.5. However, IBS Consulting was able to assist her with her resume and cover letter within just 24 hours, and thanks to our expert advice and guidance, she submitted outstanding documents that highlighted my skills and experience. Within just a day of submitting the application, Tracy received an interview invitation from Kimley Horn! Such a short response time is indicative of the quality work and culture of going above and beyond to ensure the success of our clients. Today, she highly recommends IBS Consulting to anyone seeking assistance with their job or internship applications.

Prince Duker


We at IBS Consulting are thrilled to have helped Prince Duker achieve his academic dreams and secure over $130,000 in scholarships! Prince, a driven and ambitious student, had always dreamed of pursuing an MBA and a sustainability program but was unsure of how to make his goals a reality. That's where we came in. With our expertise in the scholarship application process, we were able to guide Prince through the entire process, from identifying suitable scholarships to crafting compelling applications that highlighted his achievements and ambitions. Our hard work paid off when Prince was offered a full ride scholarship for an MBA program at San Francisco Bay University, an incredible achievement that we are extremely proud of. But we didn't stop there - we also helped him apply for a sustainability program at Virginia Tech, where he was again awarded a generous scholarship. We are honored to have played a role in Prince's success, and we believe that this is just the beginning of an incredibly bright future for him. We are confident that with his dedication and passion, he will continue to achieve great things and make a positive impact in his field. At IBS Consulting, we are committed to helping students like Prince achieve their academic and professional goals, and we will continue to provide top-notch support and guidance to all our clients. Congratulations to Prince on his incredible achievement, and we look forward to supporting him and other students like him in the future!



At IBS Consulting, we are thrilled to have helped Samuel achieve his career goals and land an internship at Tombras, a leading advertising agency. Samuel, a talented and ambitious young professional, had his sights set on landing an internship at top tech companies like Netflix and Apple. However, he was struggling to get noticed by these highly competitive employers. That's where we came in. With our expertise in crafting resumes and cover letters that stand out from the crowd, we worked closely with Samuel to create a document that highlighted his experiences in a results-oriented manner. We also provided him with interview coaching and guidance to help him showcase his skills and experience during the selection process. Our hard work paid off when Samuel landed an interview at both Netflix and Apple, an incredible achievement that we are extremely proud of. We are honored to have played a role in Samuel's success, and we believe that this is just the beginning of an incredibly bright future for him. We are confident that with his dedication and passion, he will continue to achieve great things and make a positive impact in his field.

Olga Grabocka


Olga is a client we worked with all the way from Albania. Having just completed her high school education with only internship and project work experiences, her major concern was how to sound convincing enough to land her first role. We worked with her to highlight the impact she had made while carrying out her personal digital advertising projects. We also ensured that we highlighted the impacts of her internship experiences in a results-oriented resume. The first company she interviewed at was Accenture, where she landed an interview a few hours after submitting application. Olga is on her way to converting it into a 6-figure paying position.

KariKari -


Technology and Policy Candidate at MIT

In March 2023, this client was accepted into MIT’s Technology and Policy program with an acceptance rate of just 3. 4!. Given that KariKari had already been denied an acceptance from another university in the US, he never imagined that he would be accepted into MIT’s competitive program. However, working with him to leverage the incredible leadership experiences he had in Electrical Engineering, we wrote a Statement of Purpose that clearly communicated what he had to offer at MIT as well how the research he had pursued in his undergraduate program was related to his research interests. Attention and great detail were given to producing a tailored CV, Statement of purpose as well as recommendation letter samples that focused on his strengths. His unique experiences focusing on electricity scarcity was utilized in establishing his passion for producing technology policies. Working with students to land their dream jobs and schools is what we do. We are elated that we could help KariKari get into The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of the world’s top 5 most prestigious institutions.

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